At Breman Machinery we have all the knowledge, skills, and resources in-house to offer you a complete, modern and certified manufacturing process. We are a contractor of innovative finished products, such as Ferris Wheels, grabs or wind turbines, and as supplier of critical steel components for the likes of submarines, medical equipment, or spaceships, to name a few. Our secret in this area? Being flexible in our role to meet the clients’ exact needs.
Our innovative finished products and critical steel components are shipped all over the world because we entrust our trade secret to a growing number of international customers and in return, we gain the trust of buyers, and technical & financial executives. Our clientele is characterised by a wide diversity of sectors. From entertainment to offshore; and from shipping to defense.
If it takes extreme weights, huge dimensions and meticulous precision
We do not like to stand still. Therefore, Breman Machinery is always in motion. Through internal developments, external influences, new projects, completed projects or satisfied customers. Find out where we reveal our secret of the trade.
More newsIf it takes
extreme precision